Founding Fathers on American Faith

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

The simple, the ignorant, the stupid, and lazy individuals who go about declaring that America is a Christian nation have not been paying attention.

“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

If they had been paying attention, they would have been aware of the sentiments of some of America’s most brilliant Founding Fathers word’s to the exact contrary.

“In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practiced, and both by precept and example inculcated on mankind.”
~Samuel Adams, The Rights of the Colonists (1771)

They saw America as a nation of MANY co-occurring religious faiths or no faith at all. What they clearly said was that it is not a Christian nation.

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814.

Where than do radical Christian extremests get the idea that we are a Christian nation? The answer, I suspect is because a few of the founders were religious and perhaps even of a Christian faith. That however is not evidence that America is a Christian nation. Only that some American people were and are Christian. There is a distinct difference.

“No religious doctrine shall be established by law.”
~Founding Father Elbridge Gerry, Annals of Congress 1:729-731.

No one, not even the legislative brach of government, the U.S. Congress can legally declare the U.S. to be a Christian nation.

“Congress has no power to make any religious establishments.”
~Founding Father Roger Sherman, Congress, August 19, 1789

It is time for the fundamentally orientated Christians to wake up and realize that they live in a multi-religious and multiple perspective society. Even if they don’t like it.

“The legislature of the United States shall pass no law on the subject of religion.”
~Founding Father Charles Pinckney, Constitutional Convention, 1787.

If they go on whining, feel free to educate them.


NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, that is my rally cry! Why should we as a species remain small? Why should we remain tribal?

We are UNUS POPULUS (One people) living on one world. There are no real borders and our artificial ones shift like sand over the ages. We should begin global unification, bury the past and erect a monument to serve as a warning for all ages hereafter to the dangers of tribalism.

The Nay sayers are near apocalyptic in their frenzied desires for smallness, for isolationism and in their love of xenophobia, they have no equal. They hate her religion, his skin color, zir gender, her sexual orientation, his language and zir nation. These naysayers are infected with hate and act as vectors of hate. From person to person they go, spewing filthy sicknesses into the minds of people who are vulnerable and at risk for being swamped by the toxicity the naysayer is saturated with.

the world can be more than it is. I don’t know or have all the answers but I can see an good basic outlines of a better world. Let me briefly share some of that outline with you.


No more nation-states. They should all be abolished and a new direct social democratic system should be created to govern the planet Earth. The exact details of how the new global government would function would be worked out by directly elected representatives of each existing nation along side the brightest minds among all the fields of science, Philosophy and the Arts. The ultimate arbiter of the law would be well supported fact. Where a fact cannot be established, the best agreed upon solutions would rule. As a result warfare would become nonexistent.

All people’s local languages would be treated equally under the law. All religions would be treated equally under the law but held in private. Religion would have to be self sustaining and self funded. Religion would be treated with respect but not deference. Religious communities could live out the dictates of their beliefs largely without interference by the government. The only time this would not be true is in instances where a religion’s dictates violate human rights. In such a case, human rights would be given superiority over religious beliefs in all cases. For example, Human sacrifice is off the table, so is the denial of medical care to sick people and involuntary mutation of the genitalia. Gender would no longer be recognized in law. A person could choose to identify however they wish but no gender would be registered for a particular person. A wide range of couplings would be legalized. The current form of “marriage “ is just simply not sufficient to account for all the possible human couplings that should be recognized. Money as a foundation for resources would be abolished and existing resources would be held in common. The age of poverty , of haves and have nots would be over. No one would need paperwork to travel from one geographical location to another. Transhumanism would become an area of significant research and eventually be open for people who are interested in augmentation of their existing platforms. Anyone wishing to remain unaugmented would never be forced to act against their wishes in this area of self-sovereignty. Individual forms of transportation would be phased out and mass transportation would be phased in over a relatively short period, within a decade or two at most.

Hazardous, polluting sources of energy would be phased out quickly as new renewable power sources are implemented. Science would be used to regulate human impacts on the environment and re-green the earth. Animal rights would be put in place to protect endangered animals and stop further animal rights violations. All hunting would be illegal and severely punished. In our current situation we can now grow meant in laboratories and hunting is no longer necessary, which is why it would be outlawed. Our cites would need to be addressed. Most cities, as they exist today, would be phased out and new locally environmentally responsible cities would be created. A few historic cites would be left in tact as museums to human history. A lot of ideas for responsible and locally environmentally adaptive cites already exist.

Human space exploration would be given a significant boost with not only research and discoveries in mind, although these two would still be actively important. Human colonization of the Moon, Mars and any other habitable or terraformable world would be a directive for the preservation of humanity. Further exploration outside of the Earth’s solar system would be a goal that would have to be worked towards, likely with deep space probes for the foreseeable future.

This is just a preview of some of the ideas that I have been tossing around in my mind for a while now. However, in broad strokes, it gives a basic idea of a future that seems not only possible but desirable.



Society’s problem

People are all kinds of fucked. Most of the time the majority of them don’t know their heads form their asses and even when they do, they manage to get all turned around anyway. Our selfish, self-righteous and self-important Western cultures are downing in toxicity, pain, ruin and death; all while it congratulates itself on being “civilized”. Civilized my ass! We are so far from civilized that we wouldn’t know it if it smacked us right on our collective fat ass. I swear by the gods above and below that we are just festering and rotting from the inside out. Spare me your indignity and the trite observation that “some of us are working towards a better tomorrow”. Yes, I know that is the case. However, in 2019, inside The United States of American, that self-proclaimed shining city on a hill, we have fucking D.J.Trump as our President. The man and his administration are blatantly corrupt and criminal. Our cities are overflowing with the homeless, the destitute, the working poor, the uninsured and uninsurable. People are sick and dying because they cannot possibly afford the ambulance trip to the hospital, never mind the cost of actually being seen for medical or mental health treatments. Misogynistic policies are crafted and given approval by hypocrites in suits who will never have to live with the results of their stupidity but countless women sure as fuck will. Please don’t tell me that when Black men and women are still treated as less than a white man, when they can be accused and harassed without cause that we are doing any better that we were in the 1950’s. It’s bullshit and we all know it. When we want to “build the wall” that our nit-wit President is always rambling about but has done nothing to accomplish, don’t tell me that we don’t have a racism problem. We simply do. Not every Mexican person is a criminal who has come to steal, rape and pillage the poor white people on the North side of an imaginary line drawn across paper and not physically present in the land. I honestly don’t even know where to start on LGBTQ people and how they are treated in this nation. Like really? Gay sex is not a new thing. It’s been a real thing since the earliest confirmed parts of our human history. Why are we still dealing with ignorant people who are more worried about the sex happening between two men or women than the lack of fucking going on in their own beds? If they are that worried about sex, they should try fixing their own bedroom issues before ever even thinking about what is happening in the bedrooms of other people. Look, relationships are complicated and not all of them are going to fit into the little boxes that some nut-bag might wish they did. People are messy as fuck and they tend to make a mess more often than not. That doesn’t mean that people who are so selfish and self-important get to pass judgment on the way other people live their lives. It’s old and tired. I am just so over the way people want to interfere with the way other people decide to live. The vast majority of people don’t need and don’t want some idiot in a suit imposing their particular version of “morality” on them. You do you and we will do us. Seriously, we got this shit handled over here.




Superheated you come to me, polished onyx, smooth and fine. Sleekly in you come, eyes locked with mine, here it comes, here we go for another passion play of you and I. Breathing you in, fleshy wet tongue , you moan for me as I touch you deeply. Hands tracing sweet curves down, gripping hips and that ass to grab as I smile. Bold is what I am, you can’t stop yourself giving in, pleading for kiss. You need it as much as I, you want me buried in your thighs, with each swirl around you push me down. Hands on your chest, a nipples to lick, I am here to worship you, in this transcendent state you are radiant; my divine to take. Strength in strength , hand in hand, in this moment with you I am. No one, no where, timelessness, the music still beats with our eroticism, these beats fill our minds. Pushed supine, taut spine, bold lips explore every corner you own and with my name you cum.

By Jay Worley


Knife’s cut.

Bittersweet essence , dipped fingers swirling fine, within each drop of time. coming ruggedly now, plunge In your sharpest knife and cut down this dividing line. A pattern laid out, one to follow without knowing the why or how. Stepping in rhythm, moving to the beats coming down, swaying hips cut sharpest wills as the past comes undone. I am cast down, ejected from all that was once and the ruin is spread far and wide. No one is left to deny what was never to be but became anyway.

Jay Worley

I pray

Old songs float in my mind, voice’s sweet, thick and sublime. Watching the curves of your body, flawlessly in movement, touch mine. I cannot wait, no time to waste, craving each caress, each kiss, each moment of life. Watch me come for you, watch as I move Into you, watch as I go ravaging each point of you. Feel my hand side down your back, grabbing you’re ass, lust thickly wafting in the room, I need you. Pulled you close, devotion paid in full and I am lost to future’s past. Spinning hard, going down, I hunger for you. Walk with me this way, stand before me while I pray, succor give to me this day.

By: Jay Worley


My written work.

I love poetry. I write because it feels like I have to write. I don’t even think I am all that good at it but I feel compelled to write all the same. I often have no idea where the words or feelings are coming from, at least not totally. I remember one of my early poems being written at a Kenny Rodgers fast food joint on a napkin as I ate fried okra dipped in ranch.  I don’t remember what music was playing any more only that the song moved me to write. Sometimes, I wake up from a sleep and have to write. Sometimes I am in a shower and mental imagery seems to be flowing through my mind and I know that I am going to write. There isn’t any one source, I don’t think. It seems to just ebb and flow. My schooling put a stop to my writing for a long time. All my mental energy seems to have been consumed by learning. I remember once getting the urge to write after a visit to a park with a lake in it, the water moved and sparkled in the Afternoon sun. What came out of me was down right eroticism, even though I had no actual experience of my own to draw from at that time.  It was admittedly crude and not very good. However, the feelings it left me with, the feelings that I poured into that very early work was powerful for me. “Twisted” was the name. Many years later I re-read it and hated the crassness of it and was embarrassed by how ignorant I sounded. I got rid of it. Many years later, lookin back, I wish I had kept it. I wonder what I would think of it now, what grace I might be able to afford a younger and inexperienced version of myself.  My writing has evolved and changed, I hope for the better but the process or where the ideas really come from are as enigmatic to me today as it was back then.  I do have to say that I am glad that it happens because it allows for an expression that I find to be important for me as a person.



Rose Honey

Smoky tendrils follow arched flesh, supple and ready. Sticky sweet love, thighs ready for kissing, licking, ready for you. Heavy air hanging thick, kisses, a hundred million for you. Yearnings of a lifetime coming through, unsettled and turned around, what ever shall I do? Softest lips, ripe for light biting, hands tracing your curves, rising and falling, hot this deeply kindled desire burns. Eyes follow mine, lust and tears, desires bound and undisturbed for years, rising high on tides not fully understood. Quiver, shake, Trimble, these things you make me do. Each in turn followed by the next, exposed before the world, desperately trying to be as before; knowing It can never be so. Pandora’s gift unleashed, Aphrodite’s touch and Ero’s bow strike true. No where to go but forward, no helping what has been loosed, no armor against what lives inside you.

By: Jay Worley


Crystal Shards

Azure skies overhead, the blast of ice, shivering that has not to do with the cold. Whispered salutations and knowing looks, fragrant clouds wafting in. Shadows dance in the light, taking shape and taking flight. Falling velvet caressing the skin, shuttering so real, frozen in time. Twin drums playing both blazing and the beats are rolling. Truest sight hidden in the glory of the sun’s brightest light. Words cascading, coming hard and soft to electric vibes. Hewed out places with watching faces, tangled up, unfurled and taken up. This cannot be seen, these moments of crystal time. Fractured shards falling Into deepest seas, tumbling and glinting as they go. Follow now, taking my hand, come and see.

By Jay Worley


Onyx & Ivory

I am crawling in my skin, biting the edges, O’ gods, I feel it again! Gleaming smile strong as bourbon fine, twinkling eyes, orbs set heavenly high. Beelzebub, prince of hell, Infernal delights I claim from you. Nibbling teeth, pin point fine, bite me now and I am thine. Thinking in twisted lines, looped one over another and all things can be justified. Itching, pinching and switching, pain I sculpt, ragged breath unless into the pandemonium I fall. The beats come hard to me, silken threads, music pounding and I cannot get enough. The melodies caressing, the beat bumping, into echoing chambers I am driven to pay penitence and refusing safety. Chained and confined, none can slip these bonds easy as I. From captivity it slips to feed, nourished on cream so sweet, a ravenous huger to create. Stripe me kind, bloody divine, a pain so new turning my mind. No forgiveness for sinners of old, no reprieve from justice coming and the haunting sounds fill me still. Gazing across waters deep, not understood, a mystery and a simple need sharpened inside me. Slowly I drown, slow I fall, slowly I burn coming to feast.

By Jay Worley